German Aerospace Center, Department of Aerospace Medicine, Hamburg: Conducting Assessmentcenters for airline pilots in corporate with flight operations of the Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Lufthansa City Line, Austrian Airlines, Turkish Airlines as well as for air traffic controllers’ training for German Air Traffic Control
Lufthansa Flight Training:
Conducting training procedures for airline pilots covering topics of communication, teamwork, stress management, workload management, conflict resolution, decision-making behavior, leadership, and presentations on rhetoric techniques
Deutsche Lufthansa AG / Germanwings / TUI fly:
Coaching for airline pilots
Lufthansa Technical Training:
Conducting Human Factors seminars for technical personal covering topics of human errors and their significance in organizations with a distinguished safety culture
Bayer AG, AOK Hessen, ITS Care, Vaillant, Siemens IT-Dienstleistung und Beratung (on behalf of and
Consulting, Training and Coaching for specialists and executive staff regarding leadership behaviour, communication and conflict behaviour, problem solving tools, assessmentcenter
Kronoply GmbH:
Training and Coaching for specialists and executive staff for buying and sales department
Inplace GmbH, Personal Consulting Outplacement and carreer consulting for several branches like publishing companies, print offices, finance companies, automotive
Leuphana University Lüneburg, Department of Industrial Psychology:
Training in psycho-diagnostics; Tutorials in personality diagnostics
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23820 pronstorf
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